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Главная Статьи Tours to Russia Russia for foreigners. Welcome to Russia!

Russia for foreigners. Welcome to Russia!


Welcome to Russia!

Welcome to Russia! It is the first thing that Russian says to frightened, looking around foreigner. Let’s suppose that the language is common, it doesn’t represent any problems, and the host of the country knows what exactly to tell and to show.

But in order to make true fantastic impression of the immense country visit, we offer a brief excursus to the Russian beauties. This excursus is, of course, supplemented with practical information. In short, it is a sort of a crib, called "Russian for foreigners".


It is well-known that Russia is a colossal country with great history and rich cultural traditions. And we are glad that you wish to learn more about it. Undoubtedly, Russian way of life differs from European and American, there are a lot of surprising things! To many tourists Russia may seem to be a cold country where you have to wear ushanka (Russian fur hat with earflaps) and drink vodka, so that not to get frozen. Yes, Russian winter is cold, but the low temperatures are compensated with the warmth of sincere communication.

Maybe you happened to hear that Russian women are the most beautiful in the whole world? Come and ascertain that it is true.

Russian people would appreciate if you are not scared of Russian language complexity and learn some words or phrases. Though, probably you already know the words "communism", "Stalin", and "perestroika".

The Two Capitals

First of all the majority of foreign tourists rush to see Moscow and St. Petersburg.

And that’s right, because Moscow, as a center of historical and cultural heritage, has the most important monuments. An architectural landmark of the capital is Moscow Kremlin. Of course, none of tourists can pass by the Red Square, Christ the Savior Cathedral, the Tretyakov Gallery, and the Bolshoi Theatre. If you come for a short while, you have to choose whether to see the sublime Moscow monasteries, old mansions and museum collections, walk along the Arbat, or to have a good look at the Stalin’s high-rises. But it is a crime not to attend a ballet performance even if you are in Moscow just for a couple of days.

St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. Undoubtedly that pride of Russia is inexhaustible for inquisitive tourists. No one can stay indifferent to magnificent Palace Square and the treasures of the Hermitage, majestic embankment and wonderful drawbridges raising.

Charming St. Petersburg suburbs also deserve the whole day excursions. The world-known Peterhof, with its palace and park ensemble, is highly competitive with Versailles beauty and greatness. In Tsarskoye Selo one can admire the renewed Amber Room, which was lost during World War II.

Sacred Siberia

But, of course, Russia is not only Moscow and St. Petersburg. Just take Siberia alone with its incredible nature.

Siberia is picking up and, like a magnet, attracts more and more tourists each year. Some people come to relax and to be one on one with nature, others come for extreme sport: to conquer the mountain peaks or for white-water rafting. Many tourists come to Siberia in order to build up health: to bathe in the healing springs, and to taste ecologically healthy Siberian cuisine.

Hunters and fishermen especially admire Siberia: a huge number of rare species of fish inhabit just here, in clean transparent water.

Siberian Federal District has a great number of ancient cathedrals and churches. Both Buddhists and Christians will find a sacred place and feel harmony with nature. Here everyone can relax, forget about human problems, and have rest from busy life of a big city.

“Toy” cities of The Golden Ring of Russia

Every city of the Golden Ring is a museum itself; they present the heritage of Russia and each of them has left its mark on the history of the country. The proof of these words is a great amount of historical monuments, such as fortresses, monasteries, and cathedrals that survived up until now. In Pereslavl-Zalessky alone there are five monasteries, four of which are surrounded by massive valla.

All these cities are amazingly beautiful. Yaroslavl is the fabulous capital of the Golden Ring. It has 140 important monuments, white-stone Vvedensky monastery built in 1314, and Spassky monastery of the 12th century. Rostov Veliky is a center of pilgrimage and tourism in Russia. It is famous for its classic Kremlin and belfry, each bell of which has its own unique sound. Beautiful Kostroma with Ipatiev Monastery and Ivanovo, "the city of fianc