Москва(495) 510-25-82
Бронирование билетов(495) 785-71-78
Санкт-Петербург(812) 318-18-18
Бесплатный для регионов(800) 300-56-22
18.03 19.03
€ EUR 95.4809 95.4809
$ USD 87.2808 87.2808


11.10.15 Британцы опубликовали список худших аэропортов мира

По антирейтингу британского портала «The Independent», что в дословном переводе означает «независимый», французский аэропорт «Руасси» стал самым худшим аэропортом в мире.

17.09.15 Moscow has welcomed 2.5 million tourists in the first half of 2015

Tourist flow in Moscow continues to increase, despite the economic factors and Russian image denigrating in the European tourism market. Such situation analysis was given by Sergei Shpilko, the first deputy head of the Moscow national policy, interregional relations, and tourism department. All in all Moscow hotels welcomed 2.5 million tourists; and the flow growth amounted about 200 thousand in 2014.

14.09.15 The flow of foreigners in Russia increased by 8% in the first half of the year

The statistics published on the site of Federal Tourism Agency on Thursday, says that the inbound tourism in Russia has increased by 8.1% in the first half of the year 2015, compared with the same period of the last year.